Saturday, August 31, 2019

Finding Nemo Lens Paper

When one vie was a film or TV show with an analytical perspective, one can quickly rationalize the concealed discrepant sees embedded in the raw science of the show. Race has been always been portrayed in a series of film s, including those disclosed to the young audience, which leads one to question, why does that f recently occur ? Race is prevalent in this film given the actions of the characters influenced by their e environmental factors, and the reciprocating reactions of the others.Sadly, one must take into account t hat this children's movie frequents and depicts the distinctions of race revealed throughout the viewing g, that of which resonates with choices current position. The prime examples of this are unveiled throw GHz the characters of Marlin, the sharks, including the humans who intrude and disturb the depths of the sea,of which they have not been summoned to. To begin with, we receive an introduction of Marlin, the clownish character, who in reality does not embody a ny aspect of humor or delight .When he encounters the p resent of the other fish population, such as the parents of Memo's classmates or the sharks he is quiz sickly targeted by erroneous assumptions of him being humorous and further solicit a joke from him, thus sponsoring such allegation when he proceeds in doing so and demonstrates otherwise. † Clownish are n o funnier than any other Valued 2 fish†. This is an instance of racial profiling from the other fish directed toward s Marlin.At his disadvantage this is a situation that resonates with him and does not cease to exist as he is always opposed against the same situation numerous times. One could argue that Marlin is the representation of the minority class , as they are always acquainted with the notion of being estranged to this land, and just clarify that they are not newcomers to the territory they once possessed Furthermore, the humans are held responsible for destruction according to t he fish , and are the so le founders of any inhabiting and potential mistake. Humans think they 0 win everything, probably Americans†. Due to the interruption and chaos of the humans such as when Memo is extracted from his home and confined to the walls of the tank in a dental office, the huh mans exhibit pride and objectionable Memo, without considering the harm they have committed. The humans are the ones to accuse for any mishap and decay. In addition, the sharks are retracted as vicious predators tainted with deceit, and their every tactic is fickle and volatile.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Rumor Paper

Finally, and most important of all, moors consist of information that is not validated, as actual news is (Diffusion 376). Rumors frequently begin with a hint of truth, but facts are not checked, sources are unreliable, and the truth gets lost as the rumor is spread. In this age of pop media, including television, radio, and internet, rumors spread at lightning speed and results are immediate. In 1969, a young writer named Fred Labor printed a rumor about Paul Ancestry's death. He became a bit famous because of the rumor and was asked to appear on a television show.His nerves got the best of him and he admitted to the television host that the Tory was completely fabricated. The host, F. Lee Bailey, replied, ‘†Well, we have an hour of television to do. You are going to have to go along with this† (Glenn 367). Pop media does not care if a rumor is valid, as long as it tells a good story and creates publicity. Gregory Rodriguez states in his article, â€Å"Truth is in the Ear of the Beholder' that â€Å"rumors and conspiracy theories can only thrive in the minds of people who are predisposed to believe them† (347).People tend to believe things that agree with a viewpoint, meet wants and needs, and follow particular beliefs and biases. Every rumor has a target audience and pop media has a way to reach each and every one of them. Robert Knapp says, in his article â€Å"A Psychology of Rumor,† there are three kinds of rumors. The â€Å"Wish Rumor† expresses the hopes of those who circulate it. The â€Å"Bogie Rumor† plays into a group's fears and anxieties. The â€Å"Wedge-driving Aggression Rumor† is motivated by hate and aggression and is usually successful at dividing a group.Knapp also lists characteristics of a good rumor, (1 ) most good rumors are short and simple, (2) in time a successful rumor becomes a good story, (3) the farther a rumor is removed room fact, the more twisted it becomes, (4) names, number s, and places cause instability in a rumor, (5) no matter where a rumor comes from, the rumor gains prestige when it is attributed to someone in authority, (6) rumors become an agreement to the culture of the groups circulating them, and (7) rumors must keep adapting themselves to current opinion and interest.Pop media can play a big role in helping to provide authority and prestige to a rumor, as well as keeping them in the public interest. The media, however, is less apt to cause distortion in a rumor than when it is passed from person to arson because more people hear the rumor in its original context at a given time. Sandra Salmons advises how extreme the results of a rumor can be in her article, â€Å"Fighting That Old Devil Rumor. † Proctor and Gamble, a very old and reputable company, was besieged by a rumor that their moon and stars logo was a mark of the devil and that the company condoned devil worship.The rumor received a great deal of publicity in papers and on te levision and became a major problem for Proctor and Gambler's consumer services department. The company set forth a massive public relations campaign, sing great financial resource, in order to dispel the rumor. Finally, after years of dealing with the rumor, Proctor and Gamble took legal recourse against those they had enough evidence against to take to court. To this day, the company still receives a few calls about the rumor.In this case though, the media was partially responsible for spreading the rumor, the company also sought media help in trying to dispel the rumor. Proctor and Gamble learned a difficult lesson that Gregory Rodriguez had mentioned in his article. Once a rumor has been established, it cannot always be destroyed by providing the Ruth. Another rumor that gained a great deal of notoriety in 1969 was the tale that Paul McCarty Was dead. McCarty Was a beloved icon of the time and a member of the legendary rock group the Beetles. Alan Glenn discusses the phenomena o f this rumor in his article, ‘†Paul is Dead! (said Fred). † He tells us that on October 12, 1969, a well-known Detroit disc jockey, named Russ Gibbs, got a phone call from a listener wanting to discuss the story that Paul McCarty had actually died three years earlier and had been replaced by a double. Supposedly, the Beetles had covered up Encasements death but revived clues on their albums. Thousands of listeners heard the discussion and one listener took the rumor to another level. Fred Labor, a writer for the Michigan Daily, printed an article with the news of Ancestry's death and clues that were evidence of the rumor.A second copy of the paper needed to be printed because so many people were drawn into the rumor that La Four is still credited with sending it out of control. He admitted, and still admits to this day, that he made up most of the clues. They were nothing more than fabrications spread, once again, by pop media of that time. This rumor was spread, l argely by the power of suggestion, to a young clue hungry audience who were part of the manic Beetles fantod. The McCarty rumor was discussed on television, in papers and magazines, and promoted on alternative radio.Like most rumors, this was short lived due to a complete debunking, however, it is still mentioned occasionally today. Another kind of rumor that is often spread by popular media is the political smear rumor. This kind of rumor generally falls into Nape's aforementioned â€Å"Wedge-driving Aggression Rumor. † According to Samuel G. Freedman, from his article, â€Å"In Untruths About Obama, Echoes of a Distant Time,† a political smear rumor is a crude attempt at fear mongering and character assassination† (369).This type of rumor has been used many times to misrepresent political candidates, especially during presidential elections. Anti-Catholic bigotry rumors were spread against Alfred E. Smith in 1 928, by mailing misleading pictures to thousands of influential people. Catholics were unable to win a presidential nomination, by any major party, until John F. Kennedy received the Democratic nomination in 1960. This political rumor achieved a great deal of success. More recently, there have been many hate rumors spread during both presidential campaigns of our current President, Barack Obama.The rumors have developed into hate campaigns that, to this day, attempt to portray the President as disloyal to his country and not a true American. Internet blobs, mass e-mails, Insight magazine, and Fox News have represented the President as Muslim and reputed his claim that he is a Christian. The media has also questioned Beam's citizenship by insisting that his birth certificate is not real and that he was not born to a U. S. Citizen. Though each of these claims have been contradicted by fact many times, the opposing campaigns remained diligent in using Town Hall Meetings and other media events to promote these rumors.It is not surprisin g that the first African American president would face the same kind of prejudice as those of the Catholic faith did years ago. It is surprising, however, how easy it is for unverified information to become accepted journalism fact with the help of pop media. Jeremy W. Peters discusses the dangers of an instantaneous news culture and the role popular media plays in the spreading of hearsay to an incredibly huge audience in his article, â€Å"A Lie Races Across Twitter Before the Truth Can Boot Up.He states that it only took two minutes for a young flogger, trying to make a name for himself, to release an unfounded rumor on Twitter that immediately became mainstream news. According to Peters, the flogger, Logan Smith, posted a report on Twitter stating that South Carolina Governor, Nikkei R. Haley, was facing indictment on tax fraud charges. There were reasons to doubt the charges and the flogger later admitted that he was not sure that his sources were correct. Neither did the flog ger bother to give the governors office a chance to comment. Instead, he posted the blob on Twitter as if it were fact.Smith later admitted, â€Å"l reported that credible sources said they believed the governor would be indicted – not that knew she would be indicted, or even whether or not I personally believed she would be indicted† (Peters 372). The post was immediately picked up by respected and widely read news sources. Ms. Halley office released a letter from the Internal Revenue Service proving the rumor to be false. The governor, however, felt her reputation had already been damaged. She also believed that this would not be the last time that unfounded rumors would be posted about her on line.It did not matter that the information was untrue ND unsubstantiated. In the media world of Twitter and Backbone, there is no need for validation because what the posters are seeking is notoriety. The rumor gains credibility when reputable news outlets mistakenly report it as fact. The rumor remains current because these internet media sites provide the opportunity to keep talking about it. It is ironic that social media, the fastest way to spread a rumor, established a means of debunking popular rumors, as well.In 1 995, Barbara and David Michelson, professional researchers and writers, established Snoops. Com, a website that has become one of the internet most valuable resources. Snoops. Com advertises as â€Å"the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation. † One of the earliest rumors tackled by Snoops. Com was the story that Kentucky Fried Chicken had changed its name to KEF because they were no longer using real chicken, but instead had developed a genetically engineered bird that replaced the chicken.Supposedly this bird had no beak, no feathers, no feet, and fewer bones so that there is more meat. This rumor is declared to be one of the first to spread worldwide by e-mail. Snoops . Com, as well as Cuff's website, refuted his rumor using fact and finally, the rumor seemed to die down. Recently, however, the use of artificial hormones in animals and the growth of transgenic food crops has caused a resurgence of the rumor. Once again, as the rumor spreads through social media, Snoops. Com tries to dispel people's fears regarding the use of frankincense's by KEF by explaining the truth.Each of these articles discussing rumors is a reminder to be wary of what is heard and read in all types of pop media. They are reminders that much of the information reported on Twitter and Backbone is buzz-seeking unsubstantiated, and full of impropriety. They caution that because it is presented as breaking news in a magazine does not mean it is reputable journalism. These articles also show that one cannot always believe what is seen on television. Rumor can be full of misinformation and exaggeration, yet it is presented, in all forms of popular media, as fact. Pop media is mo re interested in gaining an audience than in providing the truth. People spread rumors everyday about things of interest to them. The newest and fastest way to spread rumors is by the use of popular media including television, radio, and the internet. Some rumors can be meant as a joke and provide entertainment. Others can be more dangerous, playing on fears and promoting hate and aggression. People process information according to their own needs, then accept it as fact or reject it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Individual Reflective Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual Reflective Report - Assignment Example Almost everyone who leaves their homelands to pursue studies or work abroad experiences some amount of cultural shock. For the Chinese, this cultural shock amounts to an alarming extent since the culture of the west is entirely different from that of China and the Chinese people. Not only is the language entirely different, so is the style of living and customs. Most people who leave for America, UK, Australia or other western countries have to learn the English language as it the major medium of communication in almost all of these countries. For that purpose, there are many English language centers in China that cater to these people. These centers however provide little besides English language training to these students. Due to that, even when they are considerably proficient in the English language, Chinese people still suffer difficulties once they actually arrive at their destinations. A reason for this difficulty is that they are un-initiated with the ways of the western world. This business plan proposes to offer these prospective students and businessmen a way to become oriented with the culture and ways of the West so that they face less difficulty in settling in once they arrive at the country of their choosing. The English Language centers currently offering their services in the major cities of china mainly focus on offering comprehensive English language teaching. Although it is imperative that the Chinese people who are leaving for abroad learn how to communicate in English, it still does not diminish the lack of understanding that these people possess about the social and cultural workings of the west and how this lack of understanding effects their performance. The Le Yan English centre will be filling in the gap in this educational sector and the whole plan is based upon the concept of providing the customers with the added advantage of acclimatization with the western

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Income Inequality and Globalisation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Income Inequality and Globalisation - Assignment Example Over the past decades, many economists have been debating and claiming that increasing degree of trade relations between developed and developing countries can be identified as one of the major aspects which gave rise in income inequality. Furthermore, economists have also argued that trade relations practiced within nations in the current day context are highly influenced by globalization trends and thereby, globalization can also be addressed as a vital reason for income inequality (Freeman, 1995). Where on one hand, the advantages of globalization can be identified as reduced trade barriers and implementation of modern technologies; conversely, its disadvantages can be identified as inequality in payment of wages to workers being grouped as skilled and unskilled. To be illustrated, implementation of modern technologies can be observed to play a vital role in reducing the demand for the unskilled workers in the global platform which is further giving rise to income inequality amid different economies (Batterson & Weidenbaum, 2006). Recent studies (Atkinson, 2003; Alderson & Nielsen, 2002; Sala-i-Martin, 2002), based on the understanding of this particular issue in the current day context, have revealed that nations react in a distinct manner towards controlling income inequality, fundamentally depending upon their divergent social as well as economic features. For instance, the current trends have revealed that the US, as a developed nation is also facing the problem of income inequality which has further been recorded to augment with significant rapidity over the past few decades. This particular issue, within the context of US business environment, can further be illustrated with reference to the distribution of the organizational wages i.e. in accordance with the rising significance of higher level officials such as the Chief Executive Officers and skilled managers in comparison to the ground level laborers or front desk employees. It is worth mentioning in this context that the recent trends depict a contin uous increment in the wages paid to the skilled employees designated in the decision-making or managerial positions, but contradictorily, it also reveals that the low-skilled workers are receiving lesser wages at a stagnant rate.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Education, Perception, and Gender Bias in Accounting Essay

Education, Perception, and Gender Bias in Accounting - Essay Example Therefore, its use should be recognised around the world. Without accounting, money would not have a definite manner of being properly utilised. This paper will review the education and bias that women often go through in relation to accounting as a field of study, also, as a career choice that they can make. As many fields in the market today, accounting and finance is considered a man’s field of expertise. This means that whenever there are opportunities to be filled in relation to accounting and finance, men always get the upper hand. Gender related discrimination and bias have found their way into the working field of accounting. The perception that is created here is that women cannot be accomplished accountants when the chance arises. This perception, as many women are out to prove, is flawed. They are out to prove that whatever men can do, they can do better. The education sector in many countries does not pay keen attention to the number of female accounting students. The number of female students in the accounting class cannot be compared to the number of male students in higher learning institutions, for example, universities and colleges. As seen above, accounting and finance is considered a field dominated by men. However, there are a growing number of female accountants and students in many countries. The encouragement they receive from different quarters like family and the government could be the cause of this rise.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural Timepiece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Timepiece - Essay Example form and before the invention of the industrial clock Does traditional culture not reflect modern culture in earlier form, thus, to conclude that our conceptions of time are motivated by similar conditions For quite a period since the study of time began, it was emphasized by convention that modern and traditional societies perceive time in contrasts. Anthropologists suggested, more in favor of modern time, that traditional time is "cyclical rather than linear, qualitative rather than quantitative, reversible rather than irreversible, encapsulated in tradition rather than constituting the motor of history, organized by routine and practical tasks rather than by the clock, oriented to stability rather than change, geared to natural rather than calendrical rhythms, and reckoned ecologically rather than by an abstract scale" (Adam 1994, 504). With similar theories on traditional time, Whorf singled out the Hopi concept of time and suggested that its distinct difference from the Western concept was of time perceived as not being made up of discrete instances that follow each other but is characterized by a cumulative getting later (1956, 151). And likened to Whorf's analysis, Evans-Pritchard proposed that the movement of their time must be recognized as an illusion, unlike Western time which passes and progresses, because the tribal time structure stays constant, meaning that their perception of time is no more than the movement of persons through the structure. He further propose that the span of their tradition is limited compared to modern Timepiece 3 time, and that in their myth, the events do not have relative succession (1940, 107-8). These notions has provided us with an impression that the time of traditional societies were found by a radically obscure consciousness driven by primitive conditions. Somehow these model theories would, it seems, have us drift farther away instead of closer to understanding other cultures through their behavior towards time, and in a way convince us that our evolutionary relationship with these societies is incomprehensible. Moreover, if we are to consider these analyses as unanimously true and ideal, our alienation would be fueled by an assumption that these other people are actually molded with an alien makeup by some source alien from our world. And by the same exaggeration have us wonder whether our own civilized consciousness was in fact innate and there was never any need for it to have to grow out of evolution. Closer to home, Ingold presented a different set of dichotomies which is more in regard to industrialism and the household. He contrasted perspectives such that there is free time and clock time as opposed to all time is task-oriented; that there is work and leisure against the notion that all life consists of tasks; that there is creative art and the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Web Design Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Web Design Report - Essay Example The group’s choice to select Squarespace as the preferred content management system for this project is because it offers a lot of reliable features and template designs that have a friendly user interface. The valuable qualities of using Squarespace as the CMS for designing and developing the final website product outweigh the advantages of using another CMS system like Word Press or Joomla. Detailed descriptions of the benefits are explained below: Most Content Management Systems (CMSs) are created to help individuals who are not interested in not handling the technical part of building a website. The platform of the CMS should offer a simple design user interface for the end user. A system that has technical and hard to understand user interface configuration tend to demoralize an end user from the system. Therefore investing in a rich color background and text or attractive font is worthwhile to keep the admin and other users intrigued. The Squarespace CMS platform made it easier for the admin  customize the website content. The CMS platform also allows other authorized users to update content without having to get training regarding computer coding or technical language knowledge required for system maintenance. The Squarespace CMS platform template used to design the Connecting Syracuse system has a well-developed interface structure that enables easy placement of information on the webpage from the administration’s central interface. The customizable CMS tool utilizes the drag and drop functionality AJX function which enables the end web product system to have a consistent theme on all the web interface pages. This is advantageous since the system developer does not having to write the source code from scratch. These platform tools are good for web design beginners who want build customized front-end interfaces for a website without going into the technical sections. Clearly, using the Squarespace website builder is simpler as

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Instructional Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructional Technology - Research Paper Example This paper aims at creating a comprehensive report on problematic use of technology for teaching chemistry to first-year students. While teaching, students within the same class will have different learning methods. It is thus important for instructors to understand the learners to design the instructional technology that suits them and enable them meet their IEP goals. Appropriate use of technology by instructors can only be achieved if the special needs of chemistry students are understood. Although it is almost impossible to obtain a single method that can be used for giving instruction for all the chemistry students, integrating different methods such power point presentation and other visual aids can enable instructors to meet the varying needs of the students. Data from previous years demonstrate that most students become used to technology-based instructions as they proceed to upper years. It is thus advisable for instructors to introduce technology-based instruction giving me thods gradually. The different students have various learning styles with most of them being both visual and audio learners. Instructors should thus incorporate visual and audio aides while giving instructions. After analyzing the entry behaviors of the students, it was clear that most chemistry students do not have opposite understanding of basic college chemistry. Most students had never learned through instructional technology and it was hard for them to follow when instructors use technology-based presentation methods from the initial stages.... Data from previous years demonstrate that most students become used to technology-based instructions as they proceed to upper years. It is thus advisable for instructors to introduce technology-based instruction giving methods gradually. The different students have various learning styles with most of them being both visual and audio learners. Instructors should thus incorporate visual and audio aides while giving instructions. Requisite Knowledge and Skills In the recent past, use of technology has become rampant in colleges. After analyzing the entry behaviors of the students, it was clear that most chemistry students do not have apposite understanding of basic college chemistry. Most students had never learned through instructional technology and it was hard for them to follow when instructors use technology based presentation methods from the initial stages. After interviewing some first year chemistry students, it was clear that most instructors overlooked the individual needs o f the students. However, it was clear that most students preferred the instructors to use power point presentation when processes being explained involved charts. However, chemical equations and mathematical representations presented using power point are poorly understood. Demographic Information Most students are not conversant with chemistry concepts while joining college. The chemistry taught in high school comprises of the basic concepts that are easy to understand. Additionally, most teachers use chalk and board to explain mathematical representation for the high school students. Therefore, most students join college with little knowledge on instructional technology. They find it hard to follow college chemistry concepts, which are often

Friday, August 23, 2019

Corporate Ethics and Governance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Ethics and Governance - Case Study Example Greenpeace has alleged that the soybean producers have not adhered to the environmental requirements that 80 percent of the rainforest area should be kept in their natural format. This act can be considered as a violation of the legal provisions. Another complaint by Greenpeace is that there is an increasing incidence of 'bonded-labour' in the region by using a debt-bondage. The poorly paid workers are lured by the ranchers and are bound under "conditions analogous to slavery". It may be noted that in the year 2005 there were 4133 slaves who were freed from bonded-labour. It may be noted that Amazon is the most diverse expanse of intact forest in the world and that already 15 to 20 percent of the total area of 4.1 million square kilometers of forest are already destroyed. It is also feared that further areas would be put to danger by the change in the climate. According to the libertarian theory, the role of the government is paramount in protecting the life, liberty, and property of citizens against any interference by the fellow citizens. Any rational person in order to ensure this protection out of self interest would join hands with fellow citizens for securing this protection. In fact the quality of rational self interest compels a person to join any association which has as its purpose securing the protection of life, liberty, and property. "In a few words, they believe that individual freedom is the fundamental value that must underlie all social relations, economic exchanges and the political system." (Martin Masse) Considering the principles evolved in the libertarian theory, the action of Greenpeace in opposing to the action of McDonald's indulging indirectly in destroying the rainforests of Amazon for growing soy-based animal feed used by these chains for fattening the chicken can be considered as pushing the protection under the libertarianism. However libertarians would expect the respective governments to promulgate environmental regulations to protect the Amazon rainforests. Egalitarianism: Egalitarianism while acknowledging the claim of rights by libertarianism valid, goes a step further in extending the terms of the social contract to include certain rights which are termed as 'opportunity rights'. The assumptions under Egalitarianism claim that the rational persons would choose a social contract with terms that not only provide for libertarian protection but also would ensure that individuals are provided with a share of primary goods, where primary goods includes food, shelter, security and some discretionary income. The purpose of such share of primary goods is to provide for a decent life. When the principles of egalitarianism are considered in this case of McDonald's involving itself

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Assignment

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics - Assignment Example Before then, the data for White and Black students included students of Hispanic ethnicity, so the analysis would not have been valid. The stats used to analyze the relationship between high school dropout rates and family income was provided by . The literature we read about school characteristics lead us to focus on the impact of attendance rates and wealth expenditures per pupil on high school dropout rates in the state of Maryland. The data used to analyze the relationship between high school dropout rates and school characteristics came the Maryland State Department of Education’s â€Å"2014 Maryland Report Card.† Since 2003, the Maryland State Department of Education has been collecting and publishing data on each of its schools, kindergarten through 12th grade, in each county in Maryland. Data for 2014 is incomplete, so the most complete statistics are available from 2003 through 2013. These data measure many important school characteristics, as well as calculating and reporting the drop-out rates for schools and counties. Among the most significant measures included in the report card are the number of students who missed 5 or fewer days of school each year, those who missed 90 or more days of school eac h year, the number of days of attendance each year, and wealth expenditures per pupil. Those four characteristics, including the dropout rates, are summarized here. From 1992 til 2012, there were 738,931 high school students of all races between the ages of 16 and 24 years old. Out of the 738,931 students, 469,016 of them identified as white, 106,216 of them identified as black and 120,321 of them identified as Hispanic; which leaves 43,378 students without any racial identification. From 1992 until 2012, 6.5% of White students dropped out of high school. The median was 6.8% and there was no mode present. The minimum amount of dropouts was in 2012 with 4.3% and the maximum

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Various Culture And Their Distictive Ways Essay Example for Free

Various Culture And Their Distictive Ways Essay Culture is a distinctive way of life of people or groups . Culture is manifested in all aspects of life which include norms and values such as age, language, gender and social values such as religion, marriage and rite of passage. Different cultural groups norms and values compare and contrast from one cultural group to another as shown in the table with a case study of western,African,Islamic,Hinduism and Chinese culture culture. Age influences learning as young people are more able to study, understand and conceptualize than the older people. Also due to age barrier the young may be unable to learn certain issues such as leadership. Where there is gender discrimination for instance, a girl child is discriminated and are not accessed to education . Where there is gender equality there is tendency of competition thus improving learning process. Learning will be slow where there is language barrier or if language needs to be translated from one to the other, this hampers understanding and communication. Social values influence learning for instance in Africa, after initiation girls went for marriage while boys became warriors. This curtails continuity with education. References: Marjorie Ebort,Margaret Gisler. (1999). career for culture lovers and other artsy types,McGraw-hill professional

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Atomic force microscope (AFM) was invented by Gerd Binnig, Calvin F. Quate and Christopher Herber in 1986 [83]. AFM relies on interactive force to generate an image. Interactive force occurs between a tip and sample surface using the probe which is a micro-fabricated elastic cantilever with a sharp tip on the end. Cantilevers are generally made from silicon (Si) or silicon nitride (Si3N4) materials [85]. The deflection of the AFM cantilever can be obtained by using Hooke’s Law [86]; where ΔZ is the deflection of cantilever (Figure 34) which is determined by divided the acting force F with spring constant k. The optical detection system of the AFM detects the displacement of the cantilever. This system consists of a four-quadrant photodiode and a laser source. In simple terms, laser beam is focused on the back of the cantilever and reflected here and collected in a photodiode. Each section of the photodiode creates photocurrents. Through this optical detection system, the attractive or repulsive forces due to the tip bending or cantilever torsion due to the lateral component of tip-sample interaction can be examined. Whether the reference values in the photodiode sections are indicated as I01, I02, I03, I04 and I1, I2, I3, I4 are the current values, the variation of currents from different sections of the photodiode ΔIi = Ii – I0i can be characterized with ΔIZ = [(I1 + I2) (I3 + I4)] and ΔIL = [(I1 + I4) (I2 + I3)] for deflection and torsion of cantilever. In feedback mode, the ΔIZ value is used as an input signal and output signal adjusts the Z position of the scanner. The main purpose of the feedback system is to keep the tip-sample interval (ΔZ) constant. If ΔZ = constant mode is used, tip moves along the sample surface. Accordingly, Z = f(x,y) surface topography can be acquired with respect to applied voltage on the Z-electrode of the scanner (Figure 35). The interactive forces which are mentioned before can be explained by considering van der Waals forces [87]. Two atoms are located at a distance r from each other, the van der Waals potential energy of these two atoms is approximated by the exponential function which is known as Lennard-Jones potential [31]. where the first term describes the attraction of long distances due to dipole-dipole interaction and second term describes short range repulsion caused by the Pauli exclusion principle. The r0 parameter is the equilibrium distance between two atoms and the energy value in the minimum (Figure 36). Distance between the tip and the sample is dependent van der Waals force which can be seen in Figure 37. The main AFM scan modes are divided into three parts: contact mode, tapping (semi-contact) mode and non-contact mode. In our AFM measurements, always tapping mode is used for characterizing surface. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was invented by Max Knoll in 1935 as a tool for surface characterization [79]. SEM is a type of electron microscope that creates images of a sample by using focused beam of electrons and gain information about surface structure and composition. The results of interaction between electron beams and the sample can be seen in Figure 38. The types of signals produced by a collision between sample and focused electron beam contain auger electrons, secondary electrons, back-scattered electrons and characteristic x-rays (Figure 38). Depth ranges of the interaction volumes are investigated with respect to various types of scattered electrons and x-rays. Auger electrons have ~ 1 nm, secondary electrons have ~ 100 nm, back-scattered electrons have ~ 1-2  µm and X-rays have ~ 5  µm depth ranges [89-91]. SEM utilizes vacuum conditions and uses electrons to form an image. All water must be removed from the sample because the water would vaporize in the vacuum. Metal, semi-metal and semiconductor samples are conductive and no preparation required before being used. All non-metals need to be made conductive by covering the sample with a thin layer of conductive material by using sputter coater. SEM consists of an electron gun which produces a beam of electrons. The electron beam follows a vertical path through the microscope, which is held in a vacuum. The beam travels through electromagnetic fields and lenses which focus the beam down toward the sample. When the beam hits the sample, electrons and X-rays are ejected from the sample. Detectors collect these X-rays, backscattered electrons and secondary electrons and then convert them into a signal that is sent to a screen. This produces the final image (Figure 39). For the topographic images, we use a secondary electron detector because; secondary electrons are closer to the sample surface. Backscattered electron detector gives knowledge due to the atomic contrast. Elements of higher atomic number give a brighter image (dark-bright contrast). For the unknown elements, x-ray detector (EDX) is used. This detector collects the x-rays which are scattered from the sample surface. Each element has a different x-ray diffractometers. The difference between XRD and EDX is that XRD for the crystal composition and uses the x-rays. However; EDX gives information for the elemental composition by using electrons. Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) or also known as Nomarski microscopy was invented by George Nomarski in 1960 [92]. DIC is a type of optical characterization technique which involves Wollaston (Nomarski) prisms for separating and recombined a polarized light. Polarized light is formed when light from lamp source is passed through a polarizer. Working principle of the DIC microscope is based on the polarized light source which is firstly divided into two rays (ordinary and extra-ordinary) by first condenser (Wollaston or Nomarski) prism [93]. These two rays are vibrating perpendicular with each other. These two rays reach the condenser and lengthen parallel to each other. Distance between these two parallel rays is slightly equal to the optical path difference. Perpendicular vibration between rays does not occur to interference. Later, two rays passed through the sample and wave lengths of these rays changes with respect to the sample properties such as thickness or refractive indices. Two parallel rays go into the objective and begin reunification. Second Wollaston or Nomarski prism is recombined two rays totally. Analyzer prevents the interference of the rays. The final image which can be seen with eyepieces has the three-dimensional appearance of the sample. This pseudo three-dimensional effect results from the shadow i mpact that involves the brighter and darker sides. Working principle of Nomarski microscope can be seen clearly in Figure 40. Reflected high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is an in-situ characterization technique which gives knowledge about surface epitaxial changes during the growth. To understand RHEED geometry, some theoretical background of the electron diffraction and kinematic scattering will be given in this section. Theoretical explanations can be started with the relativistic electron energy relation in terms of momentum. For high energetic electrons (E 50 keV), relativistic effect should be taken into account [94]. Acceleration voltage, electron rest mass, electron momentum and speed of light are indicated with V0, m0, p and c0, respectively. If we rewrite this above equation leaving the momentum alone; Due to the wave-particle duality, a beam of electrons can be diffracted just like a beam of light or a matter wave. Louis de Broglie proposed particles to behave like a wave [95]. Therefore, electrons wave-particle property can be explained by; Equation 2 can be substitute into the equation 3, Definition of â€Å"c† is speed of light and accepted value is 3108 m/s. â€Å"h† is Planck’s constant and is equal to 4.1410-15 eV.s. Rest mass of electron is indicated with â€Å"m0† and it is equal to 0.51106 eV/c2. When these numeric values are substituted in the de Broglie relation, wave length equality becomes; If the energy value of the incident beam is equal to 30 keV, wavelength is equal to 0.07 Ã… according to the above equation. RHEED patterns, as seen on the phosphorescent screen, are the result of the constructive interference of the scattered wave. Constructive interference term is related to the Bragg condition which is explained by [96]; As can be seen in Figure 42; the incidence angle is equal to for elastic scattering process. Also in this figure, scattering or momentum transfer vector representation can be understood. Under the conditions of elastic scattering, incidence and scattered wave vectors are à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡kˈà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡=à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡= 2Ï€/ÃŽ » [98]. Diffraction maximum occurs when the Laue condition is satisfied and this condition is [97]; Order of diffraction is demonstrate by n. RHEED patterns on the phosphorescent screen are reflection of the surface atoms in reciprocal lattice space. If the real space basis vectors indicate as a, b and c, reciprocal basis vectors become a*, b* and c*. In addition, the relation between real and reciprocal space basis vectors is [31]; Translation vector is also indicated for reciprocal space as; h, k and l are miller indices. Laue condition under the constructive interference for certain miller indices is s = G [97]. The incident electron beam hit the crystal surface which is growing epitaxially at low angle of incidence and is reflected onto the phosphorescent screen to form RHEED patterns (Figure 43). RHEED patterns include spots, streaks, rings and lines. The intensity oscillation changes of the RHEED spots on the screen give information about growth parameters such as removal of oxides from epi-ready substrates surface, surface roughness of the grown layers and crystal quality of the layers [99]. When the incident beam electrons reach the epi-ready surface at the beginning of the growth, incident electrons get through minimum diffraction because of surface smoothness. Therefore, RHEED patterns have maximum intensity. When a layer nucleates on the surface, electrons get through maximum diffraction and this condition led to minimum intensity of the RHEED patterns. Calculation of the lattice constant for growth material from the RHEED images and the percentage of the error between the accepted and calculated value of the lattice parameters will be discussed in Chapter 4. Raman spectroscopy was discovered by C. V. Raman and K. S. Krishnan in 1928 [100]. In addition, C. V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovery of Raman in 1930 [101]. Raman spectroscopy can be used for distribution of vibrational modes to generate like a chemical maps. It is possible to combine Raman spectroscopy with hardware system. The data signal collected by the detector and then sent to the hardware system for analysis. In order to investigate the effects of wet chemical etching procedures on especially Te, CdTe and GaAs vibration modes in this study, two dimensional (x, y) maps were recorded by Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. Raman measurements were performed by a confocal Raman system. Laser beam comes from the laser source and passes through the filters. Beam splitter deflects a portion of light onto the optical microscope. Light is passed through a proper objective and laser light is focused onto the sample. Sample stands on the XYZ stage. Laser light is scattered from the sample and follows a proper optical path to reach a detector. Computer system is used to analyze signals which are collected by detector (Figure 44).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ted Talk Script Technology Repercussions in Youth

Ted Talk Script Technology Repercussions in Youth Is this ipad a piece of technology or this scissor? Now probably you are thinking for sure the ipad is no doubt and scissors are just a tool. But let me tell you, you are actually wrong; both of these materials are categorized as technology. Now let me introduce you to what technology really is, by telling you a brief meaning so, what is Technology? Technology is a material that has various forms which helps a person performs a task on a daily basis. In todays world Technology is necessary in every aspect of live as it has changed and evolved the very world we live in. Technology has impacted youth of the 21st century as well as the adults, who are going through the era of simplicity into robotic evolution. But todays Ted Talk will mainly focus on the effects of technology on mainly youth. But many benefits of technology have been seen as years have passed, for example discoveries in all mechanical industries, efficiency of business work, advancements in medical care and many more. Side effects that is evident when you here technology,ÂÂ   deficiency in child thinking and social skills , privacy is at risk , climate change and the most worrying is the laziness in humans. Technology has never been so improved and developed in the history of humanity since the invention of the first wheel to now the era of virtual reality. I personally believe that technology, being used by anyone is not harmful at all but it does not affect a person until someone misuses it for their own sake or benefit. In todays world the youth run the technology and technology is its main target, the relationship between them is vice versa and none of them can stay without each other, note that I am not talking about a person but rather about a no living thing but now in this era these technological things are given more importance than actual living human beings. This technology indeed causes youth of today to like tech in the form of phones but also it causes harmful effects that stay with the youth throughout their lives. For example, depression and extreme isolation is evident in most of todays youth, this happens due to the lack of contact with people in their real lives other than virtual friends on Facebook. This happens often in institutions like social gatherings and when there is a pause or silence or you might feel awkward , in order to cope with it taking out your phone and using it without a purpose make us youth feel better than talking to a person right in front. Isolation then leads to Depression which then shows us that we lack human contact which includes physical exercise. Not exercising and staying home all day also adds obesity within you. This moreover relates to the reason why this happens and so its because youth utilizing their time in video games, taking to friends online and mostly watching YouTube videos most of the ir day rather than studying or using their time effectively in other things which I think is known as studying. Face to face interaction between people has been reduced, resulting absence of social skills, which are needed in our daily lives. Through the media, for likely Hollywood movies we have seen how children get bullied in school by kids are more tougher than them but this still exists but bullying has taken another form in todays time , instead kids get bullied more likely through social media now. This is just simple as a kid posting a picture on instagram and then waiting for instant likes but less that he know instead of likes he gets bombarded my comments my his friends that how ugly he or she looks. This internal depression and pain within a kids mind affects them mentally which remains with them during their life span, just like a pavement, a part of like taking away apart life. Kids who get involved in the act of bullying other kids , this happens since these bullies are more like to say things online on Facebook or twitter or other social media applications rather in person , face to face but they do not have guts bully in real life. Eventually, increase in cyber-bullying leads to teen suicides and parents get hurt and eventually wanting to know the reason why this happened. But now we all know reasons behind this? Dont we? I can just not stop talking about the negative effects of technology as they are reoccurring in my mind while I am trying to pursue you to lessen down the amount of time you send on technology. Now I am going to tell you some information that you might not really pay attention while your parents are telling you! I will take my parents as an example and display it to you guys and assume that all parents tell this to their kids. So what Parents say is basically, dont use headphones while sleeping or overusing and listening to music a lot during the day at constant pace but guess what? It causes loss of hearing over time. Just like the previous outcome looking at a phone or any display can affect people and mostly likely children to have vision loss resulting optical glasses much earlier in life. For example, I am assuming you have a younger sibling who wears glasses and he plays games on the ipad right in front of his eyes as close as he could be to the screen. But your parents are shouting at him, telling him stop playing it to close to your eyes, as your sibling is ruining his precious eyes or this might be you too. While you would like to have much longer conversations with Siri then real friends and people, it shows how much you love your phone and you have created this person in your life that displays family to you. Force yourself to have a relaxing electronic free day where you appreciate the surroundings near your which will help calm all your stress down from these worldly things. The article in Psychology Today says that, the use of technology can alter the actual wiring of the brain. More than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media. That number only increases as children age, with 95% of teens 12-17 spending time online. The article, explains this as video games form the brain in a way that leads to a diminishing memory and distraction. Children who use search engine to find information might be good at finding it but not at remembering. Also children who use too much of technology may not use their imagination to deeply analyze the information or material. Another study on two groups of sixth graders found that kids who had no access to electronic devices for five days were better at picking up on emotions and nonverbal cues of photos of faces than the group that used their devices during that time. Also this relates to how, Pediatricians say that severe obesity is increasing among young people which clearly reflects the type of foods kids eat also as we use more technology, we exercise little. Now, let me give you an advice, go for a vacation, do not take your phone despite all those important pictures you have to upload then actually enjoying the real sensation of the actual place. Creating an absolute balance in your life will help you appreciate the people around you as well as the technology you use but rather becoming a senseless zombie that you often kill in the games. Lastly, I am not saying that you by using technology are a bad person, but what I am trying to convey is that technology is now getting advance day by day, you being dependent on it could ruin your live in a way that you would not even imagine. By advance technology I mean, how you see in movies that the artificial intelligent robots designed by humans, attack humans and then take over the world by causing a terrifying robotic apocalypse. So consider this question, What if you were the one who invented this weapon of mass destruction and caused us, humans to extinct? Works Cited Walsh, Kelly. Awesome Free Ed Tech Resources EBook! Emerging Education Technologies RSS. 20 June 2012. Web. 15 January. 2017. The Four Negative Sides of Technology. The Four Negative Sides of Technology | Edudemic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2017.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Troubled Years :: English Literature Essays

Troubled Years When William Shakespeare first started writing, He had problems with two fires that almost wiped out his house. He was forced to get married quickly.He had problems finding good actors, and later experienced writer's block. Even though Shakespeare was a great writer, he had many problems, which got in the way of his writing. William and his family have had problems with fires and other disasters. In 1554, part of Stratford was burned down. Shakespeare's house was almost burnt down but because there was a creek near the house it was saved (Levi 145). In 1555 there was another fire, even though fires were common then many houses and buildings were burnt down, but his house was not harmed (Levi 145). When William was about twelve, his father's fortunes began to take a dive. Though the reason for this is debated, many think that John Shakespeare neglected his family business and was involved in many lawsuits. As a result of their debt, John had to transfer land and mortgage his wife's estate. By 1578, the family became so poor that they didn't have to pay the local taxes. William left school at thirteen to help on the farm (Quennell 133). When he was older and first started writing his plays, many people did not like them, because of this, he became very discouraged and almost stopped (Halliday 158). Once Sh akespeare got started his performances nearly doubled. He had trouble keeping up on all the work and he could not write as much as he had before (Halliday 164). Throughout Shakespeare's career, he had many problems with actors. When Shakespeare hit it big, he had to find a lot of good actors to fill in the parts of his plays. He had many problems finding enough actors that were good enough. Also, when he had to do plays like Romeo and Juliet, he had to find a young man who could play a 14-year-old girl. This was very hard to do (Levi 148). When Shakespeare was known, he had almost no competition so he was able to not write as much and still be successful (Levi 144). Sometimes the inns that the players were meant to stay at were full; the actors were forced to sleep outside and on dirty floors (Ordish 422). In January 1593, the plague forced many London theaters to close because of the fear that the disease would spread.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Nature of Douglasss Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Es

The Nature of Douglass's Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass wrote his autobiography the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass to tell his story and to help the abolitionist's cause. It provides a window into his world, which is that of a former slave and of a prominent speaker. Douglass was born a slave in Maryland in 1818; his exact birthday is unknown. Unlike most slaves he had a mistress, Sophia Auld, who taught him his letters when he was about 10 and that basis of knowledge allowed him to 'steal literacy' over the years. Douglass was hired out to a slave breaker named Edward Covey in order to make him more subservient. In 1834 Frederick Douglass and Edward Covey had a battle which changed the course of Douglass?s life, and shaped him into a man who speaks and acts out against injustice. After Fredrick Douglass stood up to Covey he became free in sprit, if not in body, and vowed to allow no one to control his mind again. He escaped slavery and went to New York in 1839. His career as a speaker started in 1841 and in 1845 he published the Narrative. Although, those are some of the basic facts about his life but they do little to describe the man that he was, and what his first work says about himself and what he believed. The Narrative was written after he had spent a few years as a speaker going around telling his life?s story to abolitionist and therefore was in part rehearsed and also meant to be used as propaganda in the fight for equality. The book also serves as a historical source because it documents his voyage though slavery and the movement to end it. It is important when reading his autobiography to keep both views in mind. Many people have analyzed this complex work, Donald B. Gibson wrote about Douglass?s dual focus in his writing about how he had a public and social focus and a personal focus and private. The public and social focus was to correct the moral and political ills that slavery brought. While the personal and private focused on Douglass?s own thoughts, feelings, reactions, and emotions. The social focus was what presented the first twenty-one years of Douglass?s life in a way that allowed it to serve as a weapon for abolitionism. William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips recognized the public perspective, both of which wrote prefatory material to the Narrative. I... ...hen reading Frederick Douglass?s Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass it is important to take in to account the time period in which it was written, who the author was and their background, and the purpose that the work was written for. Douglass was a slave and an abolitionist who wrote about his life for two reasons, to give the facts and to convince people that slavery was wrong. The way he wrote both parts are intertwined so that they compliment and support each other it exist as a work of abolitionist propaganda and as an historical source. Bibliography Andrews, William L., To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760-1865. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986. Douglass, Fredrick, Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave, ed. David Blight. New York: St. Martins, 1993. Gibson, Donald B., Reconciling Public and Private in Frederick Douglass? Narrative, Rutgers University. Polsky, Milton. The American Slave Narrative: Dramatic Resource Material for the Classroom. Hunter College of CUNY. Stewart, James Brewer, Holy Warriors The Abolitionists and American Slavery. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.

The Aristocrat :: essays research papers

Word choice and diction are key elements in expression of one's emotions and character. In the short exerpt from Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, entitled, "The Aristocrat," the association of language and character is made clear. Language is used to express feelings, instill emotions in others, and separate classes of people. Language is a key element in the expression of oneself. 	The use of language and tones is what expresses feelings from one individual. During a conversation with Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. Henderson states that she only does what she does sowell with the help of the lord (163). The way she says this shows her faith. It also revealsthe pride she has with her work, deeming it worthy of the creator. Also, when Mrs. Flowers is having a conversation with Marguerite about words, she states, "It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning" (163). This means that the words themselves are important, but not as important as the voice behind them. Words alone contain literal and figurative meanings, but these meanings can be more easily understood with the human understandings of voice tones. Finally, after Mrs. Flowers reads the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities aloud with all the emotions of her spoken words, the only way Marguerite can respond is with a, "Yes Ma'am" (164). This shows that she is confused. Short phrases in response to long, heart filled elegies display one's confusion and awe-struck nature. Language, in terms of both the spoken and written word, has the power to awaken emotions in readers and listeners. For instance, Marguerite mentions that often her mother would refer to Mrs. Flowers with familiar terms such as "sister" (161) in a way that made her want to hide her face in shame. This is an indication that the way her mother used her language to address others was an embarrassment to Marguerite. This is one emotion associated with how others speak. Later, the narrator mentions how her mother had a tendency to misuse her vowels around Mrs. Flowers in a way that aggravated and actually angered Marguerite (162). This shows that the way her mother talked embued the narrator with anger. Since anger and frustration are the natural companions of embarrassment, it was more than likely that the speaker in this story would feel those accompanying emotions. Finally, after a command by Mrs.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Huck’s Enlightenment Essay

Throughout Mark Twains Adventures Huckleberry Finn, Huck challenges everything society has taught him about racism and eventually forms his own beliefs, based experience. When Huck and Jim first decide to runaway with one another, they form a friendship that is merely based on survival. At the beginning of their companionship, Huck does not recognize that Jim has feelings, so he plays a cruel trick with a snake; he also fails to make an apology. During their journey down the Mississippi River, Jims humanity bewilders Huck. When Huck tells Jim about King Solomon, whom Huck believes to be the wisest of men, Jim takes an interesting perspective and argues it relentlessly; Huck is surprised and claims that he has never seen a nigger do such a thing. As Huck and Jim overcome each obstacle in their journey, particularly when Huck learns to apologize to Jim, their friendship strengthens from one that is founded on survival to a relationship that is built on compassion. Huck then starts to q uestion what society has taught him about race and begins to form his own beliefs. When Huck and Jim embark on their expedition society still has a strong influence on Hucks beliefs, this is evident in the snake incident on Jackson Island. Before Jim and Huck leave Jackson Island, Huck decides to play a cruel joke on Jim. Huck hides a snake near Jims foot, hoping that when Jim wakes up it will scare him. However, Huck forgets that the snake will attract its mate, and sure enough, the mate returns and bites Jims ankle. Hucks carelessness shows us that he does think of Jim as a human yet. Although Huck feels foolish for forgetting about the snake, he does not apologize to Jim. In fact, Huck vows never to let Jim know that he was responsible for the snakebite, I warnt going to let Jim find out it was all my fault, not if I could help it. (p. 53) This incident shows that Huck does not care for Jim as if he were a human; Huck jeopardizes Jims safety and does not even apologize afterwards. Despite this incident, Huck and Jims friendship grows with time. After leaving the Walter Scott wreck, Huck and Jim continue down the Mississippi River. One afternoon, Huck tells Jim about King Solomon the wise, and a debate ensues. Although neither probably sees the significance of King Solomons story, Jim takes the story literally and argues that King  Solomon was unwise because he wanted to split a baby between two women. Jim claims that having half a baby is worthless and that King Solomon is unwise for considering this. Although this is not the actual point of the story, Huck is not able to prove Jim wrong. After giving up the argument, Huck states, I never seen such a nigger. If he got a notion in his head once, there warnt no getting it out again. (p.78) Jims persistence against Huck, a white person, makes him appear to be more human. As Huck and Jim continue on their journey, they approach the Ohio River. Before they can get to land, a thick fog causing them to lose all sense of direction separates Huck and Jim. Eventually, Huck is reunited with Jim, who is sleeping on the raft when Huck arrives. When Jim awakes, he is elated to see Huck, but Huck tries to trick Jim and pretends that Jim simply dreamed their separation. Jim finally notices that he did not dream this, and that Huck is playing another cruel joke. Jim becomes upset at Huck for making him feel like a fool after he worried so much about him. At first, Jims reaction dumbfounds Huck, but then realizes that Jim felt worried, like any other human would be. Huck struggles to apologize because he has been brought up in a racist society where it is unheard of to ask for a slaves forgiveness. After some time, Huck decides to apologize to Jim and explains, It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a niggerI wouldnt done that one if Id a knowed it would make him feel that way. (p. 86) This apology is significant because it shows that unlike the snake incident, Huck apologizes to Jim as if he were a human. Jims humanity is becoming more evident to Huck. At the beginning of Hucks journey with Jim, Huck sees Jim as property. However, as their relationship develops, so does Hucks understanding of Jims humanity. By the end of their voyage, Huck fully recognizes Jim as a person, despite what society has taught him. Hucks unlearning is significant to him because he now sees slavery from a different perspective and the evil that lies behind it. Hucks experiences with Jim and his recognition as a human can teach us to make our decisions without influence from society.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Creating Shared Value

Summary of ‘Creating shared value’ by M. Porter and M. Kramer The problem nowadays is that most businesses don’t have the right purpose ‘in mind’. They have a narrow-minded view in making profit and thus optimizing short-time financial performance. This old capitalistic view leads to a vicious circle. More specifically, the corporation doesn’t keep its environment and the broader community in mind while making profit and so they are perceived as (partly) responsible for society’ failures. This is where political leaders undermine competitiveness by setting the appropriate policies.The old, narrow view of capitalism leads to growing competition and shorter term performance pressures from shareholders. Shorting investor time horizons leads to outsourcing and offshoring which weakens the connection between the firm and its community. The solution lies in redefining the purpose of the corporation as creating shared value. This means enhancin g the competitiveness of the corporation while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in its communities. The market should be redefined by societal needs, rather than convential economic needs.To create shared value, there are three main ways: reconceiving the products and market, redefining productivity in the value chain and enabling local cluster development. These ways are mutually reinforcing while creating shared value. By reconceiving products and markets, corporations can meet the demand for products and services that satisfy societal needs. In this way, there’s more space for innovation. Also, in developing countries and nontraditional communities in advanced economies equal or greater opporunities arise.Opportunities increase when capitalism starts working in these poor countries. These opportunities change constantly because of developping economies and evolving technologies. Another source of creating shared value lies in transforming the val ue chain. For instance by reexaminating energy use and logistics, huge costs can be saved for the company and at the same time for society. Another example is the advantage of buying from capable local suppliers. This avoids costs by avoiding inefficiencies and lowering input costs.This also means sharing technology and improve supplier quality and productivity by better procurement. Employee productivity can be improved by offering health care coverage, because poor health costs firms more than health benefits. Companies need to embrace locational thinking because of the rising costs of energy and carbon emissions. Enabling local clusters plays a crucial role to boost productivity. As mentioned, logistics through local suppliers avoid lots of internal costs.In monopolized markets, people often get exploited, prices are not fair and thus productivity will suffer through a lack of incentives for the workers. This indicates that the formation of open and transparent markets are necess ary to create shared value. We can conclude that business can earn the respect of society again by respecting the new, more sophisticated form of capitalism. This new view focuses on profits that create societal benefits rather than diminish them, which creates shared value.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Study on Consumer Perception on Nokia

A study on consumer perception on nokia phone in Kanyakumari district Introduction:- Nokia phone is the biggest brand company industry globally. it is most chepaest which gave more Features. Nokia provide the cheapest rates according to other competitors and well known for the lowest price all over the price. People are ready to pay extra but want the good back from the usage of the mobile and want that and expact for the long time time usage from the mobile.The biggest benefit of the nokia mobile phones are that they are good in resold price ,a less loss can be expected as to others mobile phones. the nokia was awarded and continously on the first price for the best mobile from the last 5 years. The first camera on the mobile was invented by the nokia mobiles phones ever in the market and it blust all the market and taken the place ,which put the others in a big trouble for not seling there mobiles phones.The nokia was the changing its features day by the as the first camera and the tourch light music nd radio in it . Most of the time now mobiles phones are using as for the business purposes. The camera was best in the battery timings and still known well for the battery timings its battery works more then the one day and the lower class always appriciate the nokia for the best battery providing in the mobiles phones with the lowest price. Acheivements of nokia:-The achevements of nokia is that they are trying to provide the best mobiles prices and well satisfaction to there user . the nokia always focuses on the goals how to improve to get the attention of there there user who appriciate the nokia and day by day there for they bringign the changes in the mobiles phones due to the greediness of the smart phones the nokia has lost its importance in the market becouse it does not follow the same conidion as the other. Nokia market:-The nokia is now getting the weak in the market but still only the low class people use this mobile phone as they can afford and its too strong in even physically as well . the first mobile was 3310 which made the huge market of the this set and then after like 1112,1110 and so on. The blast in market was also when the nokia introduce the n71 ,n91 n8 and many others like this becouse the memory card and built in memory was introduce by the nokia mobile phones The nokia starting inventions:-The nokia mobiles phones were the biggest phones becouse there there size was too large and the customers feel ord to use this phones as of the size is the big but later when it convert and change it into the small and like the mobiles they 3310 then people appricaite it. Now the mobile charger are also available in the market in as they are called as usb charger it is easy to use even the car while travelling you can use it for the cahrging and now more comfortable is that thses chargers are also availble in the sort of bluetooth.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Consumer Behavior Case Study Analysis Essay

During overview of discussions on user behavior and buying decisions, cultural and economic empowerment decision-making, usually needs an evaluation of who will experience advantages or costs as a consequence of a specific decision. For main decisions, the evaluations can include a number of stakeholders – workers, investors, clients, loan providers, vendors and government departments, amongst other people. The more precise we can be about persons and groups which may experience advantages or costs from a specific decision, the more likely you will demonstrate that fair decisions will be made. User behavior is about the results of decisions on identifiable persons and groups. Here you will observe the way the cultural and economical effects of decisions on recognizable persons can alter with time. A short review which describes a few of the fundamental elements behind the objective of this analysis includes, but not restricted to the following: 1. Promote good causes of user behavior and buying variations. 2.Increase sensitivity to a better knowledge of variations. 3.Offer an atmosphere for searching how ideas, generalizations and presumptions regarding various buying decisions restrict efficiency and interactions. 4.Analyze and eliminate misconceptions regarding Apple ® and Hong Kong Disneyland ® marketing methods. Analysis and Assessments There’s a wish to keep a creative atmosphere which will encourage persons to reach their maximum potential. In 2 case studies, one with Apple ® and the other with the Disney world Organization, administration has got the duty to determine ways to enhance income by making careful and fair attempts to fix imbalances in areas which affect user behavior and buying decisions. The goals of both companies are to: generate an atmosphere which will lure the persons or groups to offer chances for efficiently buying the best product and service. Both companies are preoccupied with long-term expansion and operating efficiency; from all sections of the society; and to guarantee organization compliance with federal, state and regional laws, and relevant national rules outside of the U.S. These attributes are essential for an organization to keep a competitive advantage in the international market. It seems interesting to find out precisely what related problem needed handling the most – attempting to know ways of interacting among different groups. Varied groups stayed dedicated to each other, for example, Asians, Middle Easterner’s, Caucasians, Blacks, and Hispanics generally assist groups within their own nationality. To go to more efficient understandings one must analyze the connections and know the part of varied communication. The implications by not interacting groups lead to misunderstandings, avoidance, lack of less listening, mismanaged interactions, insufficient progress in developing relationships. â€Å"The latest version of Apple’s iPhone has usually been a powerful seller all over the world, except in Japan. Although some experts had predicted that Apple would sell a million pieces of its latest iPhone in Japan, modified estimations put the figure at more like 500,000 phones. Therefore what’s the issue? The cell phone uses the quicker 3G network and provides a touch monitor. And Apple iPods as well as computers are famous in Japan. Apple iPhone’s utilization of the 3G network isn’t a big deal in Japan, since 3G accessibility has been a standard feature on Japanese mobile phones for many years. And as far as the touch screen is involved, some Japanese users believe that they would have issues becoming accustomed to it. Probably the greatest obstacle facing Apple, however, is what the iPhone doesn’t have. Keep in mind, Japanese users enjoy a few of the world’s most technologically sophisticated mobile phone qualities, for example â€Å"a high-end color screen, digital TV-viewing ability, satellite navigation service, very good music player and digital camera.† One more â€Å"must have† function in Japan, lacking  in the iPhone, is â€Å"emoji,† that is clip art which can be included into sentences to create e-mails more appealing. Additionally, several cell phones in Japan let their consumers to use their mobile phones like debit cards or railway passes.† â€Å"Debate began brewing at Hong Kong Disneyland before the park opened up in autumn 2005. At Disney amusement parks all over the world, marriages and wedding receptions are a lucrative business. Disney is intending to deliver shark’s fin soup as an alternative on wedding party meals at Hong Kong Disneyland. Obviously, Disney desires to display its love for Chinese customs, and affirms that it’s not doing anything more than following regional standards-the meal is regarded a crucial part of a Chinese wedding celebration, and may cost at as much as $150 at the ideal eateries. But, ecological groups from all around the globe are up in arms on the possibility of Disney offering this soup that highlights a noticeable difference between Chinese and Western customs. Even though shark’s fin soup has been a Chinese favorite for 200 years, some ecological groups are worried that China’s growing prosperity has resulted in a larger desire for unusual varieties. For instance, Hong Kong authorities lately ceased a delivery of 1,800 freeze-dried penguins which were being smuggled into mainland China. A few animal supporters are scared that down the road complete varieties might be endangered.† Consumer Behavior and Why It Matters There’s an inspiration which is rooted in tradition, which impacts the way we obtain and gain. Persons are inspired based on the strength and wish either to buy things in relation to a typical or to flourish in competitive pricing scenarios. Most of an organization’s achievement depends upon many elements: personal and occupational experiences, product development, and the kind of company. Other elements can result in satisfaction, for example organization buying policies, marketing methods, cost elements, user requirements and interpersonal relationships. Finding good and legal rules of user behavior, can present practical factors  to building upon latest forums. There are many primary means of keeping and coping with user behavior problems that contain: what we pay attention to; the way we respond to other people; and becoming role models by way of teaching and coaching. The roles we perceive in user behavior should be practical in setting with our rules. In any tradition, thousands of things can be built and used to express several ideas. Most companies would have a hard time thriving internationally if existing tradition and values weren’t congruent with today’s varied culture. Understanding Diverse Cultural Barriers and Roles As analyzed in our text, the ability of sharing cultural power causes excitement and devotion in other people. Tapping into varied inspirations (i.e., Advertising agency BBDO’s (Chicago) recent â€Å"GenWorld Global Teen Study† revealed a substantial alternation in the world’s teens) and abilities in other people so as to pursue objectives helps us internationally. If we let us to build up and know many traditions, we can interact and make new cultural ideas. The composition of traditions has a number of features which help us build upon the underlying structure for marketing. Finding the moral and legal rules of traditions can offer practical factors to building upon latest forums. As also mentioned in our text: â€Å"It is usually hard for an organization intending to conduct business in overseas countries to carry out cross-cultural user research. For example, it is not easy within the Islamic countries of the Middle East to carry out Western-style consumer research. In Saudi Arabia, for example, it’s banned to stop people on the streets, and focus groups are not practical since most meetings of 4 or more people (except for family and spiritual meetings) are banned. American companies wishing to do business inside Russia have discovered a restricted amount of specifics of user and market data. Likewise, marketing research info on China is usually insufficient, and questionnaires which ask private questions arouse doubt. For that reason marketers have tried different ways to generate the information they require. For instance, Grey Advertising has provided cameras to Chinese kids so they can get photos of the items they like and don’t like, instead of ask them to describe it to an unknown person.  Additionally, AC Nielsen conducts focus groups in cafes and children’s playrooms instead of in meeting rooms; and Leo Burnett has posted researchers to China just to â€Å"hang out† with users.† There are many basic methods for keeping and modifying traditions which include: what we focus on; the way we respond to other people; and becoming role models by way of teaching and coaching. The roles we see in traditions should also be practical in establishing with value systems. We may motivate input about suitable values and practices for applying our traditions to promote products or services. Most companies would have a hard time thriving if existing tradition, traditions and values weren’t congruent with today’s varied culture. Choosing to reach for the varied market is not necessarily the ideal, but it’s best when we can examine techniques to offer variety in dealing with positive roles to boost businesses. Additionally, the increasing varied languages create difficulty in addition to variations in problem-solving styles and behavioral roles of persons. Language is a part of tradition, and yet it’s so varied. It is key to tradition as it is the way by which most language is learned and communicated. In any tradition, thousands of things may be built and used to express several ideas. The tensions between group and individual language interests may be highlighted through the free ride and sucker-effect ideas. Based on the person’s situation, persons use language and tradition so as to intimidate and change conditions. One example would be, when persons know and speak the English language when it’s easy and other times pretend they don’t know or speak it. Identifying Lessons Learned Apple ® and Hong Kong Disneyland ® marketing lessons developed around offering a standard which would not be rewarding along with a conventional idea which didn’t resonate all over the world. The tradition of numerous communities represents an intricate pattern of values and anticipations shared by many people all over the world. There are traditions described with shared ideas, ideologies, values, beliefs, presumptions, objectives, attitudes, and norms.  One must recognize the importance of varied traditions so as to know it, particularly where major values regarding the tradition are generally nice. Even though we might have common knowledge on particular norms, research depending on world views will assist us to build up new senses when we constantly convey them within traditional system. Several organizations show different ways of interaction and development at different levels, occasions and scenarios. Organizations for example Apple and Hong Kong Disney may move towards a balance when coping with other traditions. Nonetheless they might differ in personal traditions, which could vary from one atmosphere to another. Their attitudes and belief, might propose methods for knowing how everybody can personally relate. Modern society in general may benefit from good cultural differences, just like we do personally. For that reason, much may be discovered a person’s history by recognizing there are differences, knowing the social systems, and understanding that structure and development variables impact our activities in the manner we build upon personal customs. Conclusion America is usually regarded as the great meeting place in which people from any background can integrate into a single culture. This idealistic way of thinking isn’t relevant in the country these days. A more practical viewpoint is among cultural user behavior or multiculturalism. Varied user behavior and spending brings different sets of abilities and experience to the maximum and plays a role in the general progress and success of a company. Apple ® and Hong Kong Disneyland ® Corporations have to recognize, and several companies have, that user behavior adds to the bottom line by creating a status which helps lure fresh buyers. Companies need to see that User behavior administration can be viewed as a reaction to the need to recognize, value, and take advantage of various backgrounds. Different social groups have different ideals, styles, and people, who have a considerable impact on how they conduct business. Instead of penalizing or curbing the various administration styles as they do not  comply with conventional styles, companies must look to these differences as benefits. Not just does varied buying achieve exactly the same results like conventional styles, additionally, it may improve the company’s competitive standing in the business field. Additionally, it is crucial that administration be conscious of the significance of respecting user behavior.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Assess the role of small time Diplomats in the Egypt-Israeli peace Essay

Assess the role of small time Diplomats in the Egypt-Israeli peace making (1970s) - Essay Example The idea of partnership in the Egypt-Israel treaty replaces the emphasis on respect. U.S diplomats also played a crucial role in this treaty (Eisenberg 83). The role small time diplomats played was so effective that they did not need international peacekeepers to help them resolve their problems. Diplomats facilitated cooperation between the two parties such as trade cooperation. The Middle- east, during this period, saw all forms of diplomatic activity (Gat 177). More often than not they even advised the King or president on the formulation of foreign policies, but they would get ignored (Goldschmidt 160). Other than this, there has been a stable import-export cooperation of a limited list of commodities facilitated by diplomats. Egyptian diplomats also facilitated the speed on the agreement terms by giving a due date of agreement, failure to which would lead them to look for other alternatives. (Bar-Siman-Tov 200). The constant exchange of goods and services between the two nations played a critical part in helping them resolve their dispute. Diplomats envisioned the Egypt-Israel treaty based on the ‘reciprocity idea, recognition of each partys national interest. Delegations worked entirely on the basis of diplomats (Rabinovich 40). Therefore, that is to mean that th e treaty creates a narrow zone of demilitarization both on Israels and Sinais side. Diplomats vied for good neighbourly relations that would see the promotion of lasting security. Ephraim Evron was an Israel diplomat who was good at building networks and relationships (Eisenberg 17). However, some Israeli diplomats got banned in Cairo and Amman leaving them to feel isolated (Lukacs 196). The conflict, however, got somehow fuelled by refusal of Egypt to normalize their relationship with Israel (El-Nawawy 13) Religious diplomats also played a critical role in the peacemaking treaty. They did this by promoting interfaith relations that fostered mutual understanding based

Monday, August 12, 2019

Automotive Industry Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Automotive Industry Analysis - Research Paper Example Tichy (20-23) describes that the major evolution in the automotive industry is the introduction of the engine. The development was after the discovery of energy carrying means that include new fuels, and steam used in the 1700s. The new fuels in the 1800s included gas and gasoline. Later in 1876, there was the introduction of 4-stroke engine that involves the internal burning of gasoline fuels. In the same year, in Europe and America, there was an establishment of the first motor vehicle. In early 1900, the automobile industry introduced new technologies such as steering wheel and an accelerator. These two facilitated the growth of the industry, as vehicles became easier to operate. In the same years, societal developments occurred in America where they would provide a foundation for the production of automobiles. The government also introduced driver’s licenses and issued them to citizens. They opened many service stations and car sales improved with planned time payments. Ma ny models were introduced in the same year, such as Ford and other designs, where cars assumed another appearance. In the 1910s, societal development, as well as technologies, improved significantly. This facilitated the introduction of new methods of manufacturing and improved business strategies. Choudhury (1) shows that in the US, the roads were safe for users after the introduction of traffic rights and road signs. In 1913, Henry Ford launched his assembly line that facilitated mass production of vehicles, therefore, gaining the economies of scale. The renowned assembly line of Ford had the mass production idea process where they operated through compatible and ordinary parts. The workers making these vehicles started moving to other companies and merged with, for instance, GM that bought Chevrolet. According to Darlington (1), during the 1920s, there were more improvements of social infrastructure, development of various practices, designs and more companies merged with other a utomobile companies, for example, Ford merged with Lincoln and Chrysler later merging with Dodge. The US government and Bureau of Public Roads also introduced a Bill that facilitated completion of various road projects and formulating of national road system policies. There was also development in manufacturing where there were improved practices leading to the accessing of and assembling satisfactory cars according to customers’ needs. The companies that manufacture automobiles, such as Ford, focused upon the production of one type of model while others, such as GM, took on product variety as a new production strategy providing various models. This strategy helped in increasing the market share of the company by about 20 percent reducing the competitors’ market share. In 1930s, the industry saw the development of several brands of vehicles from different companies. The new trend was also felt in consumer preferences where most of them distinguished the European and Am erican markets. Consumers in the US market liked comfortable and large cars while those in Europe preferred smaller and economical cars. In the same years, companies such as GM continued to use their competitive strategy of producing a variety of models and it increased its market share against Ford that was losing customers. During the World War of 1940s,

Ancient chinese civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ancient chinese civilization - Essay Example From the novel The Three Kingdoms, we see that the Chinese society around that period greatly valued loyalty as a strong virtue that bounded together two or more people who had the same ambitions and mission. Loyalty was so important during this age such that there were vows which were cited either in secrecy or at a very serene place. The first instance when loyalty was displayed was when the three brothers came together in fraternity to bind themselves in a code of honor that greatly guided their future actions and also kept them strong even when they were on the brink of dying. The oath was a very important symbol of unity and loyalty to one another as their words suggested i.e. â€Å"we three Lui Pei, Kuan Yu and Chang Fei, though of separate birth, now bind ourselves in brotherhood, combining our strength and purpose to relive the present crisis (Lo Kuan-Chung & Moss Roberts, page 9)†. Loyalty was basically what the leadership in China was based on. Every leader throughout the novel, the three kingdoms, demanded that of all their subjects as there was always an imminent attack on them by those who were dissatisfied by the leadership. We see those loyal to the throne being treated well and showered with gifts so that they continue being loyal and expose those they suspected of disloyalty. Disloyalty was a serious offence not tolerable in the Chinese society during this period and any slight sign of disloyalty normally led to nothing less than execution. This punishment as if not severe enough, would be followed by the execution of the ‘traitor’s’ whole house hold. There are many cases where this was evident, for instance in the case where Ts’ao Ts’ao realized of the plot to kill him, he first apprehended Ping and tortured him for days. Thereafter he went on to arrest the other six conspirators, including Tung Cheng. They were all executed together with their household (women and children alike) bringing the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

SAMPLING Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SAMPLING - Speech or Presentation Example Simple random sample? Explain. This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample. The sample collected is a random sample because every school has the same chance of being selected. The sample is not a simple random sample because no teacher will be selected from schools that were not included in the ten schools selected. In other words, some schools have 100% representation in the sample while some schools have no representation at all. 4. A polling company obtains an alphabetical list of names of voters in a precinct. They select every 20th person from the list until a sample of 100 is obtained. They then call these 100 people. Does this sampling plan result in a random sample? Simple random sample? Explain. This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample. This is a case of systematic random sampling. This is a random sample because each person on the list has an equal chance of being selected. This is not a simple random sample because once the first person is selected, the rest of the selections are already determined. 5. The personnel manager at a company wants to investigate job satisfaction among the female employees. One evening after a meeting she talks to all 30 female employees who attended the meeting. Does this sampling plan result in a random sample? Simple random sample? Explain. No, this sampling plan does not result in a random sample and therefore not a simple random sample. This is a case of convenience sampling, as the personal manager only talks to all 30 female employees who attended the meeting that is whoever happens to be

Saturday, August 10, 2019

DNA Retention for Criminal Investigation Assignment

DNA Retention for Criminal Investigation - Assignment Example The present paper has identified that in 2003, the law was altered to collect DNA on the arrest of a recordable crime rather than just a point of charge. This principle of maintaining the DNA of anyone arrested highlighted countless innocent people including children who had never been convicted but have their DNA retained in the Database forever. Because of this, the DNA database is considered extremely discriminatory. In the year 2008, this issue was brought up by the European Court of Human Rights in S and Marper v UK case and concluded that this policy violates the rights to privacy of innocent people under the European Convention of Human Rights. Then in 2010, in answer to this issue, the law was passed which restricts the DNA retention of innocent people. Six years was confirmed for the adults and three years for children. (Michael Lwin, 2010) Still, this policy continued to create discrimination and stayed arguable among many regions. In 2010, the Government was again compelle d to modify the law and shift to the ‘Scottish model’ which defines the right to destroy DNA of anyone arrested but not charged or charged but later found not guilty for most offenses. It also explains the policy of limited time DNA retention for people who were charged with serious wrongdoings like sexual assault or violence (Bruce Barbour; NSW Ombudsman.; New South Wales. Office of the Ombudsman, 2006). The collection of DNA samples are still a major subject of discrimination among many innocent people. It has given a significant boom to social and ethical issues which are because most arrestees were found innocent of the crime but their DNA was kept for an indefinite time. Moreover, if innocent people’s DNA is kept in a police database, it is possible that the DNA might match or partially match the DNA found at the locations of crime. This can create a big problem for a person who has been once arrested but never convicted or anyone who is totally innocent. Th is issue is ethically and socially correct as innocent people would be suspected of criminal activities at the crime scene where their DNA is even slightly similar. A DNA sample illustrates sensitive information about an individual’s genetics, for instance, family relations and diseases vulnerability. Naturally, no one likes his or her personal information to be accessible. Police, forensic science department and researchers using this sensitive information without the consent of the DNA beholder have offended any innocent people who have given their DNA. They see it as a violation of their civil liberties and interference in the personal privacy of an individual (Â  Andromachi Tseloni; Ken Pease, 2011). It has been observed in the United Kingdom’s criminal DNA database that racial minorities are overrepresented in the number of arrestees. Now this gives rise to racial differences and institutionalized racial biases in the criminal justice department. When a large num ber of minorities are populating the DNA database, police would be likely to suspect one from the minorities rather than the actual criminal. This way an innocent individual would be convicted only because of the race he falls in. DNA retention for the Criminal Investigation Department has raised several concerns among many innocent people but we must not overlook the good it does for the criminals who should be actually punished. DNA retention serves the police department in many ways too. Likewise, it is observed that the majority of the crimes are committed by the people who have been already arrested for other offenses. If the DNA database already has the DNA bank, it could become very easy for the police to identify the suspect or criminal.Â